Our Aim
We make it easy for Kingsthorpe College students to access a breadth of inclusive enrichment activities. These extra-curricular experiences build resilience and are closely linked to future success in education, careers, and positive, active citizenship.
To boost confidence, creativity and self-expression, we also celebrate and strongly encourage commitment to sports and the performing arts, alongside the traditional academic subjects..
Enrichment Periods
Post 16 at Kingsthorpe College is not just about your academic studies. We offer an excellent range of enrichment activities to allow students to develop and strongly encourage you to take advantage of as many opportunities as possible. We are proud that many of these opportunities are student led. On leaving Kingsthorpe College, students will not just have outstanding grades, but will be well rounded individuals with leadership skills, academic curiosity, independence and resilience, and have contributed significantly to the community in which they are a part of.
We want our students to be the best they possibly can and have therefore chosen a set of criteria we know will set them up for the future, both in terms of possessing skills desirable by future employers, but also general qualities that are essential for a happy and successful life.
Enrichment opportunities are numerous, but here are a few:
- Numerous social events including the Post 16 Prom
- Paired reading with Year 7
- Charity events
- Visiting speakers
- Sporting activities
- TED talks
- Peer mentoring
- Work experience
- Volunteering opportunities
- Student Leadership opportunities
Our students spend 1 hour per fortnight contributing to our school community. They select areas of interest as they develop key communication and workplace skills throughout the year whilst simultaneously giving back to a wide variety of areas within our community. Examples of contributions from this academic year include supporting the running of Duke of Edinburgh, mock bar trial, EAL mentoring, paired reading, peer mentoring, lesson support, debate club, sports clubs, Year 11 academic mentoring, and IT/ Library support.
PSHE Lessons
In accordance with national guidelines, students take part in PSHE lessons with their tutor group once per fortnight. Over a year, there are three themes:
- Health and Wellbeing. This includes the importance of physical, emotional, mental and sexual health, and how to spot the signs when they decline. This theme encourages students to make informed decisions about their own and others’ health in the future.
- Relationships. Throughout their future, students will need to develop strong relationships with many different people in many different contexts. This theme encourages students to think about managing emotions within both professional and personal relationships, and to respect individuals within a diverse community.
- Economic Wellbeing and Work. The aim of this theme is to demonstrate how students can become a productive member of the shared economy, as well as how to develop their financial skills in the context of real life. In addition, students are encouraged to think about improving their employability and presenting their skills in a working environment.
PSHE KS5 Programme of study 2024-25
Post 16 students may raise funds or awareness for our yearly nominated charity or for any charity they choose. Those interested in fundraising are encouraged to speak in assemblies to raise awareness of activities and ways in which their peers can get involved.
Work Experience
All students in Year 12 are required to undertake work experience. While there is time allocated for this, students are supported and directed towards appropriate placements from a database of opportunities in the local area. Students may arrange their own work experience; in this case the appropriate risk assessments and enrolment forms are necessary. This is a vital component to give students the skills to navigate life after Post 16.
Post 16 Pathways
Students are supported in their Post 18 options in a wide variety of ways: from a wide variety of speakers from universities - lecturers and students - to visits and activities. The school subscription to the Unifrog service means students can keep an extremely detailed record of their university and apprenticeship searches, and have the details of different courses, qualifications, and careers all in one very convenient place. We have an outstanding record of helping students gain the grades required for their desired place at university, with many students achieving a full set of offers from all the universities they apply to, and over 94% securing a position at their first-choice university. Students are required to write a personal statement in which they outline why they would be an excellent student for the university and why they have chosen the particular course as well as talk about any extra curricular activities.
The Extended Project Qualification (EPQ) is a level 3 (A-level standard) qualification; we use AQA. It involves choosing a topic, carrying out research, then creating EITHER a 5,000 word report OR a 'product’ and a 1,000 word report.
An EPQ develops a useful range of extra study skills, helping prepare for the demands of university work. It is valued by higher education institutions as it demonstrates your dedication to independent learning and is often included in offers made by institutions to applicants.
It is worth half an A Level. Many universities view the EPQ as an excellent way for students to get ready for university as many of the skills that are needed when completing the project are the same skills that are needed for university study. For some courses the university will make an alternative offer to an applicant based on their EPQ grade - for example, Accounting & Finance at the University of Southampton has entry requirements of AAB or ABB with an A in an EPQ.
Core Maths
Core maths builds confidence in mathematics and statistics It develops mathematical skills gained by students at GCSE and focuses on applying maths to solve problems drawn sown from other subjects, work and real life. The course includes new content like statistics, financial maths and using algebra. Many sixth form courses include this vital mathematical content, for example 10% of the marks across A Level psychology assess mathematical skills. Core maths is favoured by universities and from the UCAS tariff this course is worth the equivalent to half an A Level.
Tutor Time
Our students are each linked with a tutor whom they see twice daily. Group activities include teambuilding exercises such as quizzes and discussions. Students have one-to-one meetings with their tutor on a termly basis to establish a good working relationship and to give students the opportunity to talk through their development both in their subjects and with their enrichment activities. The tutor is the first port of call if a student needs added support in their college experience.
Super Curricular Pathways
We offer a wide range of super curricular activities for Post 16 students - from speakers such as Football Association Chairman David Dean, to professional judges, economists and politicians. Students have the option to take part in the Extended Project Qualification, a 5000-word dissertation university like project about a subject of their choice, worth UCAS points and the equivalent of half an A-level. Activities and events will vary year to year depending on the interests and passions of students; in past years we have run a debating society which has competed against other schools and in national competitions, a robotics club, and TED talks.