Social Sciences

Social Science Lead:

Mr Murray

Course Description: AQA Sociology

Sociology is all about the study of social behaviour – how people behave in groups, why people behave the way they do, what factors in society affect their behaviour. In looking at human behaviour, sociologists go far beyond the “common sense”, investigating all the important areas of social life and the major issues and problems facing modern society.

Do you take an interest in people? Take notice of what is going on around you? Enjoy a good discussion? Listen to the opinions and theories of others? Question things you read in the newspapers or see on TV? Enjoy reading abstract theories and writing essays? Have the capacity for a lot of hard and challenging work? Then sociology could be for you! 

Topics / Modules to be covered:

Paper 1 - Education

  • The role of education in society
  • Why certain groups underachieve in terms of gender, ethnicity, and class.
  • Educational policies in the UK

Paper 2 - Media and Poverty

  • The ownership and control of the media
  • How the media influences our behaviour and attitudes, e.g. copy-cat crime
  • Explanations of bias in the news
  • Sexism, racism, and ageism in the media
  • The new media and the digital divide
  • Work, Poverty & Welfare
  • The causes of poverty and wealth inequality
  • Why different groups are in poverty in the UK, e.g. racism and sexism in society
  • Different types of welfare provision
  • The importance of work & unemployment

Paper 3

  • Crime and deviance
  • Explanations of why people are criminal
  • Limitations of statistics on crime
  • Explanations on the lack of female crime
  • Racism in the judicial system
  • How governments attempt to control crime
  • Moral panics and how the media causes crime

Papers 1 and 3 - Research Methods and Theory

  • How to conduct sociological research
  • Strengths & weaknesses of different methods
  • The factors that influence choice of method
  • Key sociological theories, e.g., Marxism, feminism.
Course Description: AQA for GCSE Sociology

Sociology involves studying human social life, groups and societies in a systematic way. Sociologists investigate and explain the social world and our behaviour in it. They are particularly interested in understanding the ways in which society influences us and shapes our daily lives. As a sociology student, you will explore and ask questions about the workings of society you live in and explore examples of inequalities within UK society through differing arguments. Studying society will help you to understand how society is organised, and to make sense of your own experiences in it.

Topics / Modules to be covered:

Students will complete 2 externally assessed exams:

Paper 1


  • How is the education system organised in contemporary Britain?
  • What is the role of the education system?
  • How can parental attitudes affect achievement?
  • How might the school affect achievement?
  • Are there ethnic and gender differences between school experiences?


  • How might an individual’s family and household settings change over the course of their life?
  • What were gender roles and relationships between adult partners like in the past?
  • How have relationships between parents and their children changed over time?
  • What are the consequences of divorce and other forms of family diversity?
Paper 2

Crime and deviance:

  • What are the differences between formal and informal control?
  • How do sociologists explain criminal and deviant behaviour?
  • How far do official statistics on recorded crime measure the extent of crime?
  • Why is youth crime viewed as a social problem?

Social inequality:

  • How are wealth and income distributed in Britain?
  • How much social mobility is there in Britain?
  • How do we explain poverty?
  • How have governments attempted to tackle social problems such as poverty, unemployment & the ageing population?
Course Description Cambridge National in Health and Social Care:

Health and Social Care is a growing industry which has seen incredible levels of growth over the last few years. This course introduces students to the specialist knowledge and skills needed to work in various health and social care settings. To work in a health or social care setting, it is essential to understand the rights of individuals, person-centred values and how they can be applied. This qualification will help to develop this knowledge and to understand the importance of effective communication skills when working in these settings.

Topics / Modules to be covered:

Students will complete 3 units of work:

  • RO32: Principles of care in health and social care settings.
  • RO33: Supporting individuals through life events.
  • RO35: Health promotion campaigns

RO32: Principles of care in health and social care settings

This mandatory unit is assessed by an exam.

This unit covers the key topics that are important when caring for and protecting people in health and social care. Topics include:

  • The rights of service users in health and social care settings
  • Person-centred values
  • Effective communication in health and social care settings
  • Protecting service users and service providers in health and social care settings

RO33: Supporting individuals through life events

This mandatory unit is assessed through a portfolio of coursework evidence based on a set assignment provided by the exam board.

This unit is about growth and development through the life stages and how to understand the needs of individuals who have been affected by life events and how to recommend support to meet their needs. Topics include:

  • Life stages
  • Impacts of life events
  • Sources of support

RO35: Health promotion campaigns

This unit is assessed through a portfolio of coursework evidence based on a set assignment provided by the exam board.

This unit involves researching health promotion campaigns and learning about their benefits to society. It also requires planning and delivery of a health promotion campaign. Topics include:

  • Current public health issues and the impact on society
  • Factors influencing health
  • Plan and create a health promotion campaign
  • Deliver and evaluate a health promotion campaign
Course Description: OCR Cambridge Technical Health and Social Care

Health and Social Care can be taken as either a single or double award. This course aims to prepare students for further study or employment in this growing sector. Many students go on to study nursing, midwifery, physiotherapy, and psychology, as well as many other career routes within the health, social care and early years sector.

Health and Social Care can be studied as a single or double award. The following units are covered in the single award.

Topics / Modules to be covered:

Students on the single award complete 6 units which include externally assessed exams as well as a coursework internally assessed element.

Year 12

Unit 1: Building positive relationships in health and social care (internally assessed coursework)
This unit aims to introduce students to the many different relationships that they will encounter within the health and social care sector; whether with colleagues, senior members of staff, other professionals within the sector or individuals who require care and support. Students will apply communication and relationship building skills in a practical way, considering how different factors can impact on the building of positive relationships. They will also be introduced to the concept of the person-centred approach which will help with your relationship building skills.

Unit 2: Equality, diversity and rights in health and social care (externally assessed exam)
This unit will help students to understand the implications of diversity in practice and also the effects of discriminatory practice on individuals who require care or support. Students will also gain an appreciation of how legislation and national initiatives can support and promote anti-discriminatory practice.

Unit 3: Health, safety and security in health and social care (externally assessed exam)
This unit introduces students to health, safety and security in health and social care. You will acquire the necessary knowledge and skills to equip you in maintaining a safe working environment for yourself, your colleagues and individuals who require care and support. You will learn how legislation, policies and procedures work to reduce risks in health and social care and the consequences of not following them. You will also learn how to respond to different incidents and emergencies with health and social care settings

Year 13

Unit 4: Anatomy and physiology for health and social care (externally assessed exam)
This unit aims to introduce students to the basic structure and functions of the body systems involved in everyday activities and maintenance of health, including cardiovascular, respiratory and digestive systems. Students will also understand the part played by organs such as the pancreas, liver and kidney. Students will investigate the systems and organs involved in detecting and responding to change such as the nervous system as well as the eyes and ears.

Unit 10: Nutrition for health (internally assessed coursework)
This unit introduces students to nutritional health and the components of good nutrition. You will have the opportunity to scrutinise different foods, consider their health benefits and investigate how to support other people to impact their health and well-being.

Unit 14: Physiological conditions (internally assessed coursework)
This unit will give students an understanding of how to support individuals with long-term physiological conditions in planning their care and support by introducing them to the types, causes and effects of these conditions on individuals, the day-to-day effects the conditions can have, the roles of practitioners who care for and support individuals and other forms of support provision and regulatory frameworks. This unit is, therefore, is relevant for students who are considering working in the health care profession.

Health and Social Care double award covers the following units.

All units covered in the single award plus the following units.

Year 12

Unit 5: Infection control (internally assessed coursework)
Infection control is of paramount importance in settings such as hospitals and residential homes, but equally it must be maintained when care is provided in other settings. In this unit you will learn about the importance of infection control and you will be introduced to methods that help to prevent the spread of infection. This will enable students to apply infection control methods in the workplace.

Unit 6: Personalisation and a person centred approach to care (externally assessed exam)
In this unit you will develop an understanding of the values that underpin a person-centred approach to care and will learn to challenge your preconceptions. The unit will explore how changes over time in attitudes and in policies have resulted in health and social care professionals adopting a person-centred approach to care. You will be introduced to the practical tools and approaches that are used by professionals in their work.

Unit 7: Safeguarding (externally assessed exam)
In this unit you will become familiar with the language of safeguarding and the key legislation you will be required to implement as a worker in the health and social care sector. As practitioners in the health and social care sector we must all be aware of safeguarding. Protecting people from harm is a core role for all workers in the health and social care sector. In this unit you will learn how to support and protect people and understand who is vulnerable by being able to recognise signs of abuse, exploitation and harm in both children and adults.

Year 13

Unit 9: Supporting people with learning disabilities (internally assessed coursework)
People with learning disabilities make up a part of the community to whom we may provide care and support or live alongside. This unit will develop your understanding of learning disabilities and consider issues involved in providing support for people with a learning disability and their family. You will examine how the lives of individuals with a learning disability are changing as attitudes and approaches to support evolve. Current best practice in providing support for people with learning disabilities includes issues such as where people live, how life opportunities are promoted, and how the individual can be supported to lead a full and active life.

UNIT 16: Supporting people with dementia (internally assessed coursework)
The aim of this unit is to allow you to support people with dementia in planning their own care and support by providing you with an overview of the different types of dementia and the legislation which is in place to support the care of people with dementia. You will explore treatments, as well as the role of the health and social care workers who support individuals with dementia.

Unit 17: Supporting people with mental health conditions (internally assessed coursework)
The aim of this unit is to enable you to support individuals with mental health conditions to plan their own care and support suitable to their needs. The unit introduces themes of inclusion, human rights, advocacy, empowerment and active participation. It will teach you about the main types of mental health conditions, how these may affect the life of the individual, and different ways that the person may be supported to promote their mental well-being, develop coping strategies to manage their illness, and different forms of treatment that they may be offered.

Course Description: AQA Psychology

Psychology is the study of people, the mind and behaviour. Have you ever wondered why some people seem to have amazing memories, and others just can’t seem to remember what they did yesterday? What does it mean to be mentally ill, and what causes depression, anorexia, and phobias? Ever wondered why some people grow up to be violent murderers, or why the person in class next to you is just so disobedient and won’t do what they are told? Psychology is the study of people, the mind and behaviour. If you are interested in finding out why people behave the way they do or how the brain works, then Psychology could be for you. Psychology will develop your knowledge, understanding and skills of analysis and evaluation in relation to each of the topics below.

Students studying this course will be introduced to psychological concepts, theories, research studies, research methods and ethical issues and debates in psychological research. 

Topics / Modules to be covered:

Students will be assessed through externally assessed exams at the end of their final year of the course.

Paper 1
  • Social influence – Students explore the explanations of obedience and conformity and studying a wide range of research studies in which aims to understand the changes in behaviour of individuals due to social pressures
  • Memory – Students understand the different models of memory in which memories are stored and processed
  • Attachment – Students discuss a range of different explanations towards the formation of attachment between an infant to a primary care-giver and the implications for the future based on healthy and dysfunctional attachment formations
  • Psychopathology - Students explore a range of different mental disorders including OCD, Phobias and Depression for explanations and appropriate treatments
Paper 2
  • Approaches in Psychology - Exploring theories of explanations for human behaviour throughout the development of the psychological profession
  • Biopsychology - Students understand the physiological features of the human body and their role in understanding human behaviour
  • Research Methods - Students discuss the appropriate methodologies to study psychology from a scientific profession. Understanding appropriate statistical analysis
Paper 3
  • Issues and Debates in Psychology - Students explore the debates and issues that surround the psychological profession and discuss a range of topics including determinism and free will, idiographic and nomothetic approaches and the nature and nurture debate of human behaviour
  • Gender - Student discuss the development of gender identity and study the range of different theories that cause gender identity
  • Schizophrenia – Students study the psychological and biological explanations towards schizophrenia and explore the treatments that are used to reduce symptoms of schizophrenia 
  • Forensic Psychology – Students look at the range of criminal profiling techniques used to identify suspects and study the psychological explanations towards criminal behaviour. Alongside the psychological theory, students discuss the variety of methods used to modify behaviour and evaluate their effectiveness  


Course Description: WJEC Criminology

Criminology is the scientific study of crime and criminals. You will study the psychological and sociological theories of crime as well as how crime is perceived in society and the impact of the media and crime statistics. You will also investigate the different techniques used in a criminal investigation such as forensics, policing and the judiciary process. You will also consider the effectiveness of different strategies used to reduce criminality from custodial sentences and the impact of community orders.

Topics / Modules to be covered:

Unit 1: Changing Awareness of Crime
The first mandatory unit will enable the students to study a wide range of different crimes and the reasons people have for not reporting such crimes will provide an understanding of the complexity of behaviours and the social implications of such crimes and criminality. You will gain the skills to understand the importance of changing public perceptions of crime. You will be able to use and assess a variety of methods used by agencies to raise awareness of crime so that it can be tackled effectively.

Unit 2: Criminological Theories
The second mandatory unit will allow students to gain an understanding of the difference between criminal behaviour and deviance. You will gain an understanding of how Criminologists explain why people commit crime. You will gain the skills to evaluate some criminological theories and know there are debates within the different theories. You will understand how changes in criminological theory have influenced policy.

Unit 3: Crime Scene to Courtroom
The third mandatory unit will provide an understanding of the criminal justice system from the moment a crime has been identified to the verdict. You will gain an understanding of the roles of personnel involved when a crime is detected, investigative techniques that are available to investigators and what happens to a suspect once charged by the police and the Crown Prosecution Service (CPS), the criminal trial process and what it involves. You will also learn about miscarriages of justice; when an innocent person goes to prison and when the guilty person is still free and unpunished. At the end of this unit you will have gained the skills to review criminal cases and evaluate the evidence to determine whether the verdict is safe and just.

Unit 4: Crime and Punishment
In the final mandatory unit, learners will apply their understanding of the awareness of criminality, criminological theories and the process of bringing an accused to court in order to evaluate the effectiveness of social control to deliver criminal justice policy. You will learn about the criminal justice system in England and Wales and how it operates to achieve social control. You will have gained an understanding of the organisations which are part of our system of social control and their effectiveness in achieving their objectives. As such, you will be able to evaluate the effectiveness of the process of social control in delivering policy in different contexts.