
We will believe in you, inspire you and challenge you within an environment of support, inclusion and optimism

The Board of Governors - Our promise to you

The Governors and Senior team at the school will lead and inspire an excellent, modern, employer responsive curriculum. Excellent teaching and learning will be at the heart of all our delivery with academic progression, employment and enterprise embedded throughout. We will lead on strategies to enhance teaching and learning including online learning, learning resources and excellent mentoring and enrichment skills.

We will provide leadership and drive to all our professional support services to deliver excellence – efficiently and effectively. The delivery of outstanding financial management and the ability to develop our income diversity are crucial to our investment strategy. We will deliver innovative accommodation, ICT and workforce development strategies to enable the realisation of our ambitions for extending academic progression, employability and enterprise to our learners.

We will drive quality improvement, promote equality and inclusion and ensure all our students and staff receive excellence. We will promote a culture of continuous improvement throughout and beyond the learner journey.

We commit to collaborating effectively and passionately with all of our partners, locally, nationally and internationally.
In all cases we will lead, inspire, motivate and develop our staff and students as they are crucial to the Academy reaching its ambitions.

This is our promise to you all.

Chair of the Interim Advisory Board

You can contact the Interim Advisory Board at Kingsthorpe College, Boughton Green Road, Northampton, NN2 7HR.

Interim Advisory Board

Mrs Sharan Matharu
Mr Chris Drake
Mrs Sue Grimsey
Mr Andy Harrison

KAB Attendance 2023-24

KAB Attendance Register 2023 2024

KAB Attendance Register 2024 2025

Chair of Trustees

You can contact Mr Christopher Drake, the Chair of Trustees of Orbis Education Trust at Southfield School, Lewis Road, Kettering, NN15 6HE.