The Personalised Learning Pathway


Through rigorous assessment and monitoring, some pupils will be identified as needing provision that is additional to or different from that which is provided at a Wave 1 Quality first inclusive teaching level.

In consultation with parents and the pupil some more specific intervention will be planned and detailed on the class provision map. This will be reviewed and monitored by the SENDCO and the SEN Team. 


In consultation with the SENDCO and parents, identified pupils will be placed on the SEND register and provided with a pupil passport which outlines their needs; sets long and short-term person-centred outcomes and outlines the support plan in place.

Any agreed 'Wave 2 and 3' provision will also be detailed on the class provision map and evidence will be gathered. This will be reviewed in line with the SEND monitoring cycle. The pupil may at this stage be referred to an outside agency. 


If appropriate intervention and support has taken place (including support from outside agencies) but there are still concerns about a pupil's progress and/or attainment, the SENDCO will consult with the class teacher and parents to discuss the need to start the application process for an Education, Health and Care Plan (EHCP). Evidence will be gathered, and an application made.  


Pupils identified as having 1:1 SEN support will develop a One Page Profile which outlines their strengths, aspirations and details the support they need to learn and achieve well. This will involve collecting views from parents, teachers, and peers.