Online Safety

Our Digital World

At Kingsthorpe College we are passionate about ensuring our students have the skills needed to thrive in an increasingly digital world. Safe and responsible use of the internet is therefore something we take very seriously.

  • We share our Acceptable Use Policy with both students, parents/carers and our staff which must be adhered to at all times.

  • We host an annual online safety event for parents and carers.

  • We use a filtering system which monitors and block malicious or inappropriate content from any inbound internet traffic.

  • We have a dedicated online safety channel in our Student Teams to share important reminders and updates.

  • We carry out an annual 360 self-review of our online safety measures and while we are above national averages in many areas, we always strive to do more.

Student Experience

As part of the Computing Curriculum at Kingsthorpe College all students in Year 7 start their digital journey with a specific unit of work covering online safety. During this unit students are reminded:

  • Of the dangers of using the Internet both at home and at school.

  • What to do if they come across inappropriate content.

  • How to stay safe when communicating online.

  • How to take appropriate action when things go wrong.

  • How to stay safe when using Social Networking sites like TikTok and Snapchat.

  • What to do if they are a victim of cyberbullying.

We have a team of Student Digital Leaders who help co-ordinate online safety activities, as well as our annual Online Safety Day. We are always happy to have new members!

Parent/Carer Support

Vodafone produce a “Digital Parenting” magazine, in conjunction with The Parent Zone, to aid parents keep up to date with technology and staying safe online. More information is available here and a copy of their annual Digital Parenting guide can be found here.

Parent Info is an external website with expert information to help children and young people stay safe online. This is a collaboration between The Parent Zone, which has been providing information and support to parents for a decade, and CEOP, the Child Exploitation and Online Protection command of the National Crime Agency.

We recommend all members of our community sign-up to #WakeupWednesday which is a free weekly publication from the National Online Safety Group. 

Additionally, one of our parents has recently contacted us to share a useful resource with other #TeamKC parents:

Our children are spending more time online, and most parents are not aware of the risks they're putting their children through by allowing them unlimited access to the internet, especially streaming.

I thought you might be interested in sharing this guide I came across with your audience :

I found it extremely helpful and easy to understand, and it covers every important aspect that parents should be aware of. It Would be great if you could add it to your page as a resource.