Year Groups
Year 7
Head of Year: Mr Smith
Deputy Head of Year: Miss Smith-Ellis
SLT Link: Mrs Lloyd-Jones
Thank you for taking the time to visit our Year 7 information page.
As a Year Team, we are passionate about providing opportunities for our students to achieve artistic, athletic, and academic excellence. We believe our role is to ensure that your child develops good learning habits to thrive and become a confident individual, a successful learner, and a responsible citizen. We will challenge your child to focus on and demonstrate the Kingsthorpe College Core Values of Aspiration; Responsibility; Respect and Care as these core values are important for establishing high standards and expectations.
For your child to make sustained progress, it is important that we build high quality relationships. Thus, it is vital that there is a respectful partnership between home and school in which we work in unison, demanding high standards in all aspects of achievement and behaviour. Furthermore, we believe that clear communication is important, and we welcome any dialogue that that will improve the quality of our provision at Kingsthorpe College.
Finally, we want our students to do their very best. However, we know that their will always be challenges and when our students encounter difficulties, we want them to show hard work, determination, and thoughtfulness to become a resilient individual who can overcome any obstacle they face.
Year 8
Head of Year: Mr Wright
Deputy Head of Year: Mr Heffernan & Mrs Walton
SLT Link: Mrs Horne
As a Year team we work hard for our students helping them to become proud members of Kingsthorpe College and offer support and guidance every step of the way to all. We continually have high expectations of our students making sure that they get things right first time, every time and make no apologies for having these high standards. We expect the best from our year group at all times.
Building strong relationships between ourselves and the parents of our year group is vital in raising standards. We see home and school as a team that needs to come together to support students and raise standards.
We believe in healthy competition and so reward tutor groups based on good behaviour, achievement points and attendance; a sense of competition and collective responsibility encourages team work and success.
We will continue to push hard to ensure that our College core values, Respect, Responsibility, Aspiration and Care are engrained in our students, meaning that they will leave Kingsthorpe College being well rounded and successful high achieving students.
Year 9
Head of Year: Mrs Kinsella
Deputy Head of Year: Miss Shipley
SLT Link: Mrs de-Wit
In Year 9 we want our students to be the best version of themselves that they can be, as well as proud members of Kingsthorpe College. A key part of our ethos for Year 9 would be responsibility. Students must take responsibility for their work, preparation and actions. If students always work hard and do their best, then that is all anyone can ask of them and they won’t have any regrets. Our College core values of, Respect, Responsibility, Aspiration and Care are engrained in our students, meaning that they will leave Kingsthorpe College as well rounded and successful students.
We continue to have high expectations of our students making sure that they get things right first time, every time and make no apologies for having these high standards. We expect the best from our year group at all times.
We believe in healthy competition and therefore we reward tutor groups based on good behaviour, achievement points and attendance; a sense of competition and collective responsibility encourages team work and success.
Building strong relationships between ourselves and the families of our year group is vital in raising standards. We see home and school as a team that needs to come together to support students and raise standards. As a pastoral team we want the best for each and every child in our care and will always work hard to support them in whatever way we can so that they can grab every chance life offers them.
Year 10
Head of Year: Mrs Gordon
Deputy Head of Year: Mrs Lonergan
SLT Link: Mrs Griffin
Year 10 is an exciting and challenging year for our students as they make the transition from KS3 to 4 and begin their GCSE journey.
We continue to have the highest expectations of our students throughout Year 10 and will encourage them to develop the necessary skills to become self-confident, independent, resilient, eloquent, and mindful learners. In addition to this we expect all students to follow and demonstrate our college core values, Respect, Responsibility, Aspiration and Care by making the right informed choices and take full responsibility for attitude, behaviour and learning.
Year 10 celebrate the individuality of all our students and are proactive in supporting any challenges that arise to ensure they reach for the stars.
Our motto is ‘don’t count the days, make the days count’ and we look forward to seeing how this becomes a reality over the coming year.
Year 11
Head of Year: Mrs Williams
Deputy Head of Year: Mrs Read
SLT Link: Mr Hartnett
From all of us in the Year 11 Team may we extend a very warm welcome to parents, carers and students of year 11.
As a year team we work hard for students to become proud members of Kingsthorpe College where we strive to encourage every student to reach their potential, offering support and guidance every step of the way.
Year 11 consists of 8 tutors who will grow and nurture students from the moment they step through the classroom door forming a good base for meaningful learning and discussion on future ambitions.
Year 11 is a critical year, and one in which we need students to become independent, ambitious and hard working, building on skills that they have acquired in the lower years.
We will continue to push hard to ensure that our College core values of, Respect, Responsibility, Aspiration and Care are engrained in our students, meaning that they will leave Kingsthorpe College being well rounded and successful high achieving students. We firmly believe in our school motto “Dream Big, Work hard, Stay humble”.