PE Faculty
Learning Director
Miss Pettingale
Faculty Introduction:
Physical Education and School Sport at Kingsthorpe College aims to develop pupil’s confidence and competence to take part in a range of physical activities that will become a central part of their lives both in and out of school. We believe that high quality PE and School Sport will inspire all pupils to succeed and excel in competitive sport and other physically demanding activities. Our curriculum will provide pupils with the opportunities to become physically confident which will support their health and fitness. Throughout Key Stage 3 pupils will be provided with the opportunity and experiences to develop and refine their skills learned in Key Stage 2. They will become more confident and competent in their techniques and apply them across and range of physical activities. They will also understand what makes a performance effective and how to apply these principles to their own and others work.
Topics / Modules to be covered:
Pupils will be taught to:
- Analyse their own performances, compare to previous ones and demonstrate improvement to achieve their personal best (i.e. Health Related Exercise).
- Use a range of tactics and strategies to overcome opponents in direct competition through team and individual games (i.e., Football; Rugby; Netball; Cricket; Rounders; Dodgeball; Basketball; Tennis)
- Develop their technique and improve their performance in other competitive sports (i.e. Athletic Activities; Gymnastics; Trampolining)
- Develop skills that can be used in all aspects of life (i.e. Teamwork, Leadership, Communication)
Pupils will take part in a range of physical activities across the range and content of the National Curriculum.
On entry, Year 7 pupils will be baseline assessed using a range of Core Task Activities. Students will be provided with a ‘working at’ attainment level. This will be used to see how much progress is made in the subject. Pupils will also be monitored to ensure they are making the appropriate levels of progress across an academic year and Key Stage.
Pupils will be regularly assessed throughout each activity block. Activity blocks will be 4 weeks in duration. All activities will be assessed at the end of the unit. All activities will be standardised to ensure that all teaching staff are making accurate and reliable judgements. Pupils will be provided with an ‘average’ attainment level based on the different activity areas that they have participated in. Pupils will be provided with a National Curriculum Level between 1 to 9.
Enhancement & Enrichment Activities:
All pupils will be actively encouraged to take part in recreational activities and competitive sports after-school through extra-curricular clubs and/or through community links. We offer a range of extra-curricular sports clubs and participate in a number of competitions across a range of sports. The extra-curricular programme is continually being developed and refined to ensure that all pupils are provided with the opportunity to participate in a range of activities. Activities that we usually offer are: Football, Rugby and Netball. We also offer a range of lunch time sports clubs offering sports such as Basketball, Table Tennis and Badminton. Participation in extra-curricular sport is an important feature of school sport at Kingsthorpe College as it provides students with the opportunity to succeed and excel in a competitive environment.
Year 9:
Students will develop sound knowledge base to build upon if they pick BTEC sport in year 10. The course is made up of four units which expose students to content that will develop their knowledge of sport as well as provide students with a taste of what lessons will be like in KS4.
Topics / Modules to be covered:
- Anatomy and Physiology – Students will learn about the structure and function of the human body and learn how to link this with to specific sporting situations (i.e. Structure of the skeletal and muscular systems, Structure of the cardiorespiratory system). Students will also learn how the body responds to exercise and the benefits of both long and short term exercise.
- Fitness – Students will learn about the different components of fitness and learn how to apply these to different sporting situations. Students will also learn about different principles and methods of training (i.e. Continuous training, Fartlek training, Interval training, Strength training etc.)
- Practical Sport – Students will be given the opportunity to take part in practical sports sessions where they will be able to further develop their competence in sport beyond core PE.
- Theory Projects – Students will undertake small projects which look to develop student’s ability to write about sport and develop their extended writing. This unit looks to develop students writing skills to prepare them for the coursework units undertaken in KS4 BTEC sport.
Pupils opting for the year 9 option course will be assessed at the end of each unit through an end of unit test. Students will then be given a grade periodically throughout the year based on the results of their end of unit tests. These grades will be monitored throughout the year and used to track students progress. The grades students will be given will range from Pass Level 1 to Distinction Level 2 to mirror the grading system used in the KS4 BTEC sport course.
PE Kit
Years 7, 8 and 9 wear our new adidas sports kit which can be purchased from Liss sports.

PE Kit (Y7-9)
Faculty Introduction:
Physical Education and School Sport at Kingsthorpe College aims to develop pupils’ confidence and competence to take part in a range of physical activities that will become a central part of their lives both in and out of school. We believe that high quality PE and School Sport will inspire all pupils to succeed and excel in competitive sport and other physically demanding activities. Our curriculum will provide pupils with the opportunities to become physically confident in a way that so it supports their health and fitness. Throughout Key Stage 4, pupils will be provided with the opportunity and experiences to develop and refine their skills learned in Key Stage 3. They will participate in a range of activities that develops personal fitness and promotes active and healthy lifestyles. Pupils will receive 2 hours of Physical Education per fortnight throughout Key Stage 4.
Topics / Modules to be covered:
PE in Key Stage 4 is more option based, where pupils can choose to participate in competitive or recreational activities. Our aim is to provide pupils with the opportunity to participate in a range of activities to inspire them to continue to be involved in some sporting activity outside of school.
Pupils will take part in a range of physical activities across the range and content of the National Curriculum.
Pupils’ attitude to learning will be regularly assessed throughout the year.
Enhancement & Enrichment Activities:
All pupils will be actively encouraged to take part in recreational activities and competitive sports after-school through extra-curricular clubs and/or through community links. We offer a range of extra-curricular sports clubs and regularly participate in a number of competitions at both district, county and national level, across a range of sports. The extra-curricular programme is continually being developed and refined to ensure that all pupils are provided with the opportunity to participate in a range of activities.
Faculty Introduction:
The Level Two BTEC First Sport qualification will enable students to develop their knowledge and understanding of a range of activities and environments within the sports sector.
Topics / Modules to be covered:
Students will be expected to complete 4 units. The units will include a range of topics from the specification. These units are:
- Unit 1: Fitness for Sport and Exercise
- Unit 2: Practical Performance in Sport
- Unit 3: Applying the Principles of Personal Training
- Unit 5: The Sports Performer in Action
Unit 1: Fitness for Sport and Exercise is externally assessed in the form of an online exam.
For the other units, there will be on-going assessments and moderations throughout the academic year. All individual units will be graded as PASS, MERIT or DISTINCTION. An overall grade will be awarded on completion of all of the required units.
Each unit will have specific Assessment Objectives. Assessment Objectives will be assessed using a number of different methods. These methods include report writing, presentations, interviews, practical demonstrations and performance.
Students will be expected to use study time at home to undertake research for their assignments and also to work on assignments to meet the deadlines set by their teacher.
Enhancement & Enrichment Activities:
There will be opportunities for students to attend intervention/revision sessions throughout the academic year in order to develop their knowledge and understanding within specific topic areas. These sessions will be also used to support students to achieve their target grade.
Faculty Introduction:
The Level 3 Cambridge Technicals qualification will enable students to develop their knowledge and understanding of a range of environments within the sports sector.
Topics / Modules to be covered:
Students will be expected to complete 5 units. The units will include a range of topics from the specification. These units are:
- Unit 1: Body systems and the effects on exercise
- Unit 2: Sports Coaching and Activity Leadership
- Unit 3: Sports Organisation and Development
- Unit 8: Organisation of Sports Events
- Unit 17: Sports Injuries and Rehabilitation
Unit 1 and Unit 3 are assessed in the form of exams, one during year 12 and the other during year 13.
For the other units, there will be on-going assessments and moderations throughout the academic year. All individual units will be graded as PASS, MERIT or DISTINCTION. An overall grade will be awarded on completion of all of the required units.
Each unit will have specific Assessment Objectives. Assessment Objectives will be assessed using a number of different methods. These methods include report writing, presentations, interviews, practical demonstrations and performance.
Students will be expected to use study time, in school and at home to undertake research for their assignments and also to work on assignments to meet the deadlines set by their teacher.
Enhancement & Enrichment Activities:
There will be opportunities for students to attend intervention/revision sessions throughout the academic year in order to develop their knowledge and understanding within specific topic areas. These sessions will be also used to support students to achieve their target grade.