MFL Faculty

Learning Director:

Ms Sherred
Faculty Introduction:

3 lessons a fortnight are dedicated to Modern Foreign Languages. Students will study either French or German, depending on which tutor group they are placed in.

Topics / Modules to be covered:
  • Introducing yourself
  • Introductory questions & answers
  • Describing your personality and appearance
  • Describing family members & pets

Students can be assessed in any of the 4 language skills: Listening, Reading, Speaking and Writing. Students will have 2 summative assessments over the course of the academic year, with smaller formative assessments taking place during each topic. They will also have regular vocabulary tests to check their recall of new language learnt. 


Students should receive one piece of homework per week.  This might be the learning of new vocabulary, or activities to reinforce new vocabulary on Language Gym - Home (, which is a website we use.  Instructions to access the platform will be provided.

Enhancement & Enrichment Activities:

There are options for students who speak another language (i.e. Polish, Italian etc.) to gain early GCSE’s in these subjects in conjunction with the EAL department.

Faculty Introduction:

Students continue to study either French or German on 3 lessons a fortnight. Students will continue with the language which they began in Year 7 in order to increase their familiarity with it.

Topics / Modules to be covered in both languages:
  • Free time
  • Weather
  • School
  • Clothing
  • Illness

Students can be assessed in any of the 4 language skills: Listening, Reading, Speaking and Writing. Students will have 2 summative assessments over the course of the academic year, with smaller formative assessments taking place during each topic. They will also have regular vocabulary tests to check their recall of new language learnt. 


Students should receive one piece of homework per week.  This might be the learning of new vocabulary, or activities to reinforce new vocabulary on Language Gym - Home (, which is a website we use.  Instructions to access the platform will be provided.

Enhancement & Enrichment Activities:

There are options for students who speak another language (i.e. Polish, Italian etc.) to gain early GCSE’s in these subjects in conjunction with the EAL department.

Faculty Introduction:

4 lessons a fortnight are dedicated to Modern Foreign Languages, with students having chosen which language they want to continue with in.  Students will continue to develop their language skills and they will also be able to engage more with the target country, deepening their understanding of the world through some cultural research. They will be learning more of the skills which will prepare them for GCSE study in languages.

Topics / Modules to be covered:


  • Free time
  • Weather
  • School
  • Future plans
  • Healthy living


  • School
  • Weather
  • Food & drink
  • Healthy living

Students can be assessed in any of the 4 language skills: Listening, Reading, Speaking and Writing. Students will have 2 summative assessments over the course of the academic year, with smaller formative assessments taking place during each topic. They will also have regular vocabulary tests to check their recall of new language learnt. 


Students should be receiving one piece of homework per week.  This might be the learning of new vocabulary, or activities to reinforce new vocabulary on Language Gym - Home (, which is a platform we use.  Instructions to access the platform will be provided.

Enhancement & Enrichment Activities:

There are options for students who speak another language (i.e. Polish, Italian etc.) to gain early GCSE’s in these subjects in conjunction with the EAL department.

Faculty Introduction:

At GCSE, students will learn to develop their knowledge of the language and culture across a range of settings. This may include study of the culture and communities other than in the European country where the language is spoken. Students will continue to develop the 4 language skills of listening, reading, speaking and writing, and will have 6 lessons across the two-week timetable.

Topics / Modules to be covered:

French: Family & relationships, Hometown, Free time, Healthy living, School and careers & travel & tourism

German: School &  careers, Hometown, House & home, Free time, Family & relationships


Listening - Understanding and responding to different types of spoken language
Written exam: 35 minutes (Foundation Tier), 45 minutes (Higher Tier)
40 marks (Foundation Tier), 50 marks (Higher Tier)
25% of GCSE

Speaking - Communicating and interacting effectively in speech for a variety of purposes
Non-exam assessment
7–9 minutes (Foundation Tier) + preparation time
10–12 minutes (Higher Tier) + preparation time
60 marks (for each of Foundation Tier and Higher Tier)
25% of GCSE

Reading - Understanding and responding to different types of written language
Reading exam: 45 minutes (Foundation Tier), 1 hour (Higher Tier)
60 marks (for each of Foundation Tier and Higher Tier)
25% of GCSE

Writing - Communicating effectively in writing for a variety of purposes
Written exam: 1 hour (Foundation Tier), 1 hour 15 minutes (Higher Tier)
50 marks at Foundation Tier and 60 marks at Higher Tier
25% of GCSE


Students will receive a variety of homework tasks over the course of the academic year which will include all 4 skill areas.  As language learners students are often asked to practice speaking the foreign language as well as doing reading, listening and written tasks. Teachers will also set vocabulary learning as homework, as well as activities on Language Gym - Home ( Students should be receiving a minimum of 1 piece of homework per week.

Enhancement & Enrichment Activities:

There are options for students who speak another language (i.e. Polish, Italian etc.) to gain early GCSE’s in these subjects in conjunction with the EAL department.

Faculty Introduction:

At GCSE, students will learn to develop their knowledge of the language and culture across a range of settings. This may include study of the culture and communities other than in the European country where the language is spoken. Students will continue to develop the 4 language skills of listening, reading, speaking and writing, and will have 6 lessons across the two-week timetable.

Topics / Modules to be covered:

French: Technology, Environment, Customs & Traditions, Charity & voluntary work

German: Technology, Environment, Travel & tourism, Customs & Traditions, Charity & voluntary work


Listening - Understanding and responding to different types of spoken language
Written exam: 35 minutes (Foundation Tier), 45 minutes (Higher Tier)
40 marks (Foundation Tier), 50 marks (Higher Tier)
25% of GCSE

Speaking - Communicating and interacting effectively in speech for a variety of purposes
Non-exam assessment
7–9 minutes (Foundation Tier) + preparation time
10–12 minutes (Higher Tier) + preparation time
60 marks (for each of Foundation Tier and Higher Tier)
25% of GCSE

Reading - Understanding and responding to different types of written language
Reading exam: 45 minutes (Foundation Tier), 1 hour (Higher Tier)
60 marks (for each of Foundation Tier and Higher Tier)
25% of GCSE

Writing - Communicating effectively in writing for a variety of purposes
Written exam: 1 hour (Foundation Tier), 1 hour 15 minutes (Higher Tier)
50 marks at Foundation Tier and 60 marks at Higher Tier
25% of GCSE


Students will receive a variety of homework tasks over the course of the academic year which will include all 4 skill areas.  As language learners students are often asked to practice speaking the foreign language as well as doing reading, listening and written tasks. Teachers will also set vocabulary learning as homework, as well as activities on Language Gym - Home ( Students should be receiving a minimum of 1 piece of homework per week.

Enhancement & Enrichment Activities:

There are options for students who speak another language (i.e. Polish, Italian etc.) to gain early GCSE’s in these subjects in conjunction with the EAL department.

Faculty Introduction:

At A Level, students will gain a deep and focused knowledge of the language and culture of the target country. Their language skills will develop rapidly through discussion, debate and their own independent research. The focus on the country itself will broaden, and students will be able to delve deeper into the culture through study of a book or a film from that country.

Topics / Modules to be covered:

Year 12

  • Media
  • Popular culture
  • Healthy living/lifestyle
  • Family/relationships

Year 13

  • Study of native book/film
  • Environment/local area
  • Society/social issues

Students will be assessed in the 4 language skills: Listening, Reading, Speaking and Writing. Listening, Reading and Writing in a 2-hour exam at the end of the AS year, worth 70% of AS, 35% of A2. Speaking exam (15 minutes) at end of the AS year, 30% of AS, 15% of A2 Similar exams take place at the end of the A2 year.


Students will have their own access to the Kerboodle software we use in lessons. They will be expected to use this to practice vital listening, reading and writing skills throughout the year. They will also be given vocabulary to learn every lesson, as it is crucial to have a wide range of language available to communicate effectively. Independent learning is a very important skill at A Level, students must be able to learn and study on their own, as the course has a lot of content to cover.

Enhancement & Enrichment Activities:

There are a variety enhancement options available in languages. Students are encouraged to research and discover the target country. Links have been sent up with schools and students in the countries, to promote cultural awareness, and students are encouraged to visit these places.