Here you will find our Behaviour Policy and Anti-Bullying Policies and information.
Unfortunately, bullying happens in all secondary schools. At Kingsthorpe College we are not niave enough to think it does not take place in our school, but we do not accept it in any instance.
All students at Kingsthorpe College must be allowed to learn and move about in a happy, caring atmosphere that is free from bullying. Bullying of any form is not tolerated and will be challenged. We have a zero tolerance approach to bullying and any reported incidents are taken very seriously.
Kingsthorpe College has received Gold Star status recognising the work we do in supporting students and making sure we are improving their overall wellbeing.
What is bullying?
Bullying is the repetitive, intentional hurting of one person or group by another person or group, where the relationship involves an imbalance of power. It can happen face to face or online.
Bullying behaviour can be:
Physical – pushing, poking, kicking, hitting, biting, pinching etc.
Verbal - name calling, sarcasm, spreading rumours, threats, teasing, belittling.
Emotional – isolating others, tormenting, hiding books, threatening gestures, ridicule, humiliation, intimidating, excluding, manipulation and coercion.
Sexual – unwanted physical contact, inappropriate touching, abusive comments, homophobic abuse, exposure to inappropriate films etc.
Online/cyber – posting on social media, sharing photos, sending nasty text messages, social exclusion.
Indirect - Can include the exploitation of individuals.
Please find the attached link which details more advice to parent and students from the Anti-bullying Alliance.