Admission Arrangements
Kingsthorpe College will admit 240 students in Year 7. The College will allocate places to students with a statement or an EHCP where the College, after consultation with the Local Authority, has been named on the statement/EHCP as appropriate provision.
The admissions policy for Kingsthorpe College follows the Co-ordinated Admission Scheme for Secondary Schools in the Area of Northamptonshire. Parents will need to complete a Common Application Form and submit it to the Local Authority.
Complete Application Form. The college will allocate places to students with an Educational Health and Care Plan (EHCP) where the college, after consultation with the Local Authority, has been named on the EHCP as appropriate provision.
Where the college is oversubscribed places will be allocated using the following criteria:
1. Children in public care (Looked After Children) or previously in public care (Previously Looked After Children).
2. Children of staff at Kingsthorpe College where any of the following conditions are met:
- The member of staff has been employed at the school for two or more years at the time at which the application for admission to the academy is made, or
- The member of staff is recruited to fill a vacant post for which there is a demonstrable skill shortage.
3. Up to 24 students with a demonstrated particular aptitude in the visual or performing arts (art, dance, drama or music). Students will be selected through workshops. All applicants will be scored across a range of skills within their area of aptitude. If you wish your child to be considered for a place under the criterion aptitude for visual or performing arts, please complete an ‘Aptitude Admissions’ form and return it to Kingsthorpe College. Aptitude Admissions forms are available on the College’s website. The aptitude workshops will take place in October, please check the college website or call for confirmation of the workshop dates.
4. Students who live in the postcode areas NN2 8, NN2 7, NN3 6.
5. Students who will have an older brother or sister continuing at Kingsthorpe College at the time of admission of the younger child.
6. Other students.
Tie breaker
Should there be an oversubscription in any category places will be awarded to those students who live nearest to the school. Distances are measured from the address point of the home address to the address point of the school on a straight line basis using MapInfo Professional, a geographical information system. If a student lives with separated parents for different parts of the week, the college will treat their home address as the place the student sleeps for most of the school week. If the student spends equal amounts of time at the two addresses, the parents must agree which address they wish to be the student’s main address.
If 2 students live exactly the same distance away from the college random allocation will be used as an additional tiebreak to decide who has the highest priority for admission.
Aptitude Applications
Up to 24 places will be offered to children who apply under this criterion and complete the Supplementary Information Form and return it to Kingsthorpe College. If there are more applications than places available, applicants who meet the scoring requirements will be ranked in order of distance to the school.
Students will be selected through our aptitude workshops. All applicants will be scored across a range of skills within their area of aptitude.
Aptitude Information Pack September 2024
Visual and Performing Arts Application Form 2024
Waiting Lists
All parents who are unsuccessful in gaining a place at the school for their child will be sent information explaining how they may, if they so wish, place their child’s name on the waiting list. A request to be added to the waiting list can be made upon receipt of a letter declining a school place. This includes late applications.
Requests for your child’s name to be added to the waiting list must be made in writing (via letter or email) directly to the Local Authority.
If a place becomes available in Year 7 (if the number of students in the year group falls below the published admissions number of 240), it will be allocated to the next child on the waiting list according to the over-subscription criteria in the Admissions Policy, not on a first come, first served basis. Waiting lists will be held until the end of the academic year. If parents wish their child’s name to be placed on the waiting list in subsequent years, they should make a new application for a school place by contacting the school and the Local Authority after 1st July in each subsequent year.
Admission of Children outside their normal age group
Kingsthorpe College will, in accordance with the School Admissions Code, consider requests from parents for their child to be admitted to a year group outside that of their chronological age. Parents should follow the usual admission procedures and make it clear on the application form that the request is for a place outside the normal age group. Parents should include relevant professional evidence to support such a request. We will consider all requests upon receipt on their own merit and individual circumstances
In Year Admissions
Kingsthorpe College will consider all such applications made via the Local Authority.
Sixth form admissions
All internal and external candidates who meet the academic criteria will receive a place in the sixth form. The academic standard for admission and the course requirements are in the sixth form prospectus. The capacity for the sixth form is 240 students with 20 of these places available for external students.
Right of appeal
Parents whose application is turned down shall be entitled to appeal to an independent appeal panel. Further details are available from the Local Authority.
Definition of a Looked After Child or a Previously Looked After Child
‘Looked After Children’ are those who are (a) in the care of a local authority, or (b) being provided with accommodation by a local authority in the exercise of their social services functions at the time of making an application to the school. ‘Previously Looked After’ Children are defined for the purposes of the legislation as those who immediately after being in care became subject to an adoption, child arrangements, or special guardianship order. (Parents must supply a copy of the relevant order as evidence of their child’s status.)
Definition of a Sibling
- A brother or sister living at the same address, who shares the same parents;
- A half-brother or half-sister living at the same address, where two children share one common parent;
- A step brother or step sister living at the same address, where two children are related by a parent’s marriage;
- Adopted or fostered children living in the same household.