Home School Communication

Communication with students and their parents / carers is very important to us. Below you will find an outline of what communication you can expect from us, when. 

Coming Soon

We will soon be offering the chance to book an appointment with our SENDCo. Please check this page for updates. 

All SEND students  LSA check-in  For the first 3 weeks of the year, our LSAs work with our new Year 7 intake to provide in-class support and monitoring whilst we get to know our new cohort of students. Due to this, in-class support is limited for all other year groups. However, SEN students in Years 8 to 13 are invited to a wellbeing check-in as with a member of the team so that any immediate issues or concerns can be supported and if appropriate, their Passport can be reviewed and updated.   September – first 3 weeks 
Year 7  SEND Information Evening  An opportunity for parents and students to get to know more about the SEND department – you can meet the staff and find out about the support available for your child.   Term 1 
Identified SEND students  Letter from the SENDCo  Communication from the SEN Department detailing what support has been identified for your child; e.g., Time-limited small group provision in the SEN department (Wave 2 provision), or one-to-one support with a specialist LSA (Wave 3 provision). Students will also receive in-class support from their teachers (part of Wave 1 Quality First Teaching).  Term 1 (October) 
All SEND students  Introduction to your Learning Plan If your child receives support a Wave 2 or 3 programme, an individual Learning Plan will be devised. This Plan will contain important information such as reading and spelling ages and will keep track of staff that are involved with each intervention that is put in place.  These plans will follow the Assess-Plan-Do-Review process and outline the specific targets your child is working towards.  Term 2 (November)
Y11& 13 Progress Monitoring Report 1  As part of your child’s PM report, teachers will rate how successfully your child uses their main SEND strategies within their lessons. This is to support communication between teachers, the SEND department and parents so that we can work together to support our students in using their strategies to have impact on their learning.   Term 2 (November)
Y7&8 Term 3 (January)
Y10&12 Term 3 (February)
Y9 Term 4 (February-April)
Year 11 
Year 10 
Year 9 
Year 8 
Year 7 
Review 1 of Learning Plan  The progress of your child in relation to the targets on their Learning Plan will be reviewed by the SEN Team. The outcome of this review will be discussed with your child and you will receive a copy of the updated Learning Plan. Depending on the progress made, your child will either:  
  • remain on the existing programme
  • have a new target and /or be placed on a different programme.
  • due to progress made, no will no longer receive withdrawal support. 
There will be no changes to any in-class support arrangements.  
Term 3 
(February – April) 
Years 11 and 13  Progress Monitoring Report 2  As above. Term 4 (April) 
Years 8 and 9  Term 5/6 (May / June) 
Years 7, 10 and 12  Term 6 (July) 
Year 11 
Year 10 
Year 9 
Year 8 
Year 7 
Review 2 of Learning Plan  As above. Term 6 
(June – July)